Memorial Books
Donate to an existing memorial or begin a new one.
Make checks payable to the Friends of the Umatilla Public Library and specify the memorial fund on the check.
If you would like to open a new memorial fund fill out the form and mail to the library along with the donation. You may also visit in person and we will give you the form.
Donate to These Existing Memorials:
Leland Jackson
Charles Calhoun
John Westervelt
Jack Nelson
The Guenther Family
Mary Ellen Babb
William Kicklighter
Tommy Powers - children's horse books
Jane Scovil - juvenile horse books
Priscilla Getchell
Virginia Louise Roundtree Stultz - cookbooks and romantic thrillers
James Richard Stultz - fishing, gardening, health and finance
Kay Pederson
Dixie Royal
Robert Martin
Yearwood Family
Jaycee Lane Garbini - board books for babies
Sara Land