Friends of the Library SCHOLARSHIPS
The Friends of the Umatilla Library is proud to make available two $500 scholarships to be used for any post-secondary related expense.
These scholarships are available to any May 2025 graduate of Umatilla High School or home school* with a Umatilla physical address.
Scholarship #1 is available to a graduating senior who will attend a 2 or 4-year, public or private college or university.
Scholarship #2 is available to a graduating senior who will attend a public or private vocational/technical school.
Apply online or print the paper application and return it to the library.
1. Student must be a senior graduating May 2025 from Umatilla High School with a standard diploma, or a homeschooled graduating senior whose physical address is within Umatilla High School Boundary*, and a minimum 2.79 weighted GPA.
2. Application must be signed and dated by applicant.
3. Application must be received either online or at the Umatilla Public Library by a library employee no later than 6:00 pm, Monday, April 14, 2025
4. Letter of recommendation form must be received by the above deadline in a sealed envelope with student’s name on the front and the recommender’s signature across the seal.
*Home-school applicants whose physical address is not 32784 Zip Code must print and bring to the library by deadline the boundary map from the following website showing their address and Umatilla High School. Print your name on the map.
Winners only will be notified and will receive the award at the Umatilla High School awards ceremony.